Pre-made Backpacking Meals
Prepared food items for quick and easy meals
If you are going on a longer trip or want slightly more gourmet meals, you can use Wild Backpacker’s collection of backpacking recipes or bring packaged dehydrated and freeze-dried meals, like Mountain House or Backpacker’s Pantry, from stores such as Wilderness Dining. Have suggestions for pre-prepared food items while backpacking that aren’t included in the list below? Comment below and share your ideas!
Breakfast Foods
- Cereal or granola (with dehydrated milk)
- Fruit cocktail in small cups
- Instant oatmeal (with water or dry)
- Pop Tarts
- MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
- Fresh fruit
Lunch & Snack Foods
- Cream cheese bagels
- Energy and granola bars
- Candy bars and other sugary snacks
- Cheese
- Chicken pouches
- Dried fruit
- Nuts, crackers, or chips
- GORP (nuts, M&M’s raisins, dried fruit)
- Beef, turkey, or other preserved meat jerkies
- Hard boiled eggs
Dinner Foods
- Cup of Soup
- Instant Rice or Noodles
- MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
- Stuffing
- Couscous
- Instant Potatoes
- Canned chili
- Canned stew
- Quinoa
- Hot chocolate
- Gatorade/Powerade
- Lemonade or Crystal Lite
(can also help flavor iodine-treated water)
- Instant coffee packets
- Teas
- Tang